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Uniting nature and timekeeping

The Journey of Amphibios Watches

At the heart of Amphibios lies the story of a biologist with an unwavering fascination for amphibians and reptiles. As time passed, a new passion for watches began to bloom. It was this captivating combination that sparked the idea to create a watch brand that would honor and preserve the beauty of nature.

The Amphibios Frog dares to be different
The founder envisioned a timepiece with a streamlined look, boldly inspired by both land and sea elements. The Amphibios Frog was born, a watch that combines the best of both worlds and speaks to the heart of adventurers.

A focus on nature conservation
20% of the profits will be donated to organizations that protect the delicate ecosystems that amphibians need to thrive. With every purchase, you contribute to a brighter future for our natural world.

Seeking partnerships for a greater impact

While Amphibios is already committed to its preservation mission, the journey has just begun. Currently, no partnerships are established, but the brand is actively seeking potential candidates that share their passion for preserving amphibian habitats. 

The future of Amphibios
Amphibios has bold plans for the future. The founder envisions a diverse collection that extends beyond the Amphibios Frog. Each model will focus on specific amphibian species, serving as a powerful medium to raise awareness and support conservation efforts for those particular creatures. 

About us: Over ons
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